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QRCA Young Professionals Grant



We are so excited to announce that Dr. Brittany L. Stalsburg is a 2018 recipient of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association's (QRCA) Young Professionals Grant! This prestigious award will enable Dr. Stalsburg to travel to Phoenix for the QRCA's annual conference.

The YPG program was created in 2014 to help advance young qualitative researchers’ careers via access to networking and educational sessions at the QRCA’s Annual Conference.  Grants covering all conference registration fees are awarded to up and coming young adults aged 35 years and younger.  Now in its fourth year, 15 grants were awarded to the January 2018 Annual Conference: Elevate & Cultivate.

Dr. Stalsburg is very excited to learn about new and innovative qualitative methodologies and techniques that she can then bring home to her clients. We are committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends in the research field so we can generate more actionable insights for you.

Brittany Stalsburg